reclaimed wood

When I started building things, there was this mystique around using reclaimed wood. Mention “long leaf pine” around a texan and they get this starry eyed look and the accent gets turned up to 11. There are so many up sides to using reclaimed material… 1. sustainability 2. it looks great. 3. patina!! you just […]
To Build a Bar…
The wonderful and talented brewers at Hops and Grain have been crucial to Woodwork at 17th. Not only were they my first clients as I struck out to start a business, but they’ve also been gracious as I figure this thing out. We’ve worked together on numerous projects for they’re brewery, tap room, signage… So […]
Website Launch!

The talented (and VERY patient) people at Figmints Delicious Design have gone above and beyond to get my site up and moving. When I called my good buddy James Kwon in Providence, RI to help me set up a site he did what best friends do and dove right in. The process has been a […]
Working and Fatherhood…

So there’s this characteristic about me I used to be proud of… I want… no, NEED to be productive. I want to see something accomplished, finished, completed. I stare at a finished table. I inspect and hold a cutting board for an hour after its declared done. I make endless to-do lists everyday. I LOVE […]
The Welch Dining Table

I finished and delivered a table a few weeks ago. I love the feeling of nervousness, excitement, angst, and exhale I have when I’m completely done with a project and am about to show the result of weeks of work to a client. Driving over to deliver this table and benches, these thoughts made me […]